Film News

Hans Zimmer Discusses The “Man Of Steel” Score

Hans ZimmerWith Zack Snyder’s Man of Steel choosing to steer away from John Williams’ iconic Superman score, Hans Zimmer was brought on board to oversee the music for the film. Zimmer has been talking to CNN about what it was like having to take the reins from Williams.

Zimmer admitted, “Look, that was daunting. Seriously. He’s the greatest film composer out there, without a doubt, and it happens to be one of his iconic pieces of music, so I spent three months just procrastinating and not even getting a start on the thing, because I was so intimidated: ‘Oh my God, I’m following in John Williams’ footsteps.'”

He added, “I kept thinking of the story as, what if you are extraordinary, and your entire ambition is to join humanity? To become human? What does it mean to become human? What does it mean to be an outsider who really wants to join the human race?”

Talking about the positive light that the character of Superman brings to a film, Zimmer said, “Everything’s tinged with irony and sarcasm and bitterness and darkness these days. This is celebrating everything that was good and fine about America, such as small towns where people don’t lock their doors, neighbours get together, and families are families.”

He then concluded, “What was important for Superman was the simple fact that none of us pay much attention to the Midwest. I know America mainly by the big cities, but if you go into the Midwest, there is a people there and there is a country there. And I thought it was important that the decent folk, simple folk be the heart of the story, and a character who is guileless, who isn’t complicated int he sort of flawed way our Dark Knight is, and isn’t political in any way. He’s just striving to become a better part of humanity.”

The score for Man of Steel will be released on 11th June, with the film itself following on 13th June.


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